Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Check out this hog of a fish!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

We arrived at the Weber River near Kamas Utah this morning at about 7:30am. Fishing was pretty slow until about 9:30am. I went with my bro-in-law, Jon, Craig and Steve. Everyone but Steve were fly fishing; he used a spinner and ended up catching about 8 cutthroat trout. It worked well with a spinner because he was able to get into the deeper water. I was using a PMX on top and a dropper altering between a bead-head red brassy and a bead-head prince nymph. I ended catching 4 fish and missed 5 or so strikes. One of the best parts about it fly fishing today was that we didn't see a single other fisherman. To say the least it was it was nice to get out and get some "River Therapy".

Friday, July 28, 2006

Last week I went fishing on the upper Weber River near Kamas Utah. Generally I have not been very impressed with the Weber partly because I catch more whitefish than trout, or I can't keep fishing the river because of some private property fence extended across the river. However, last week was a different story for me. We started fishing in the evening and I caught a few fish up until dusk, but then the fun started! Once the sun ducked below the mountains the caddis started going crazy and in turn the fish responded. I put on a size 16 elk-hair caddis and within seconds started catching fish. The best fish I caught was a 16 inch rainbow trout that took flight 4 times before I could get it in. WOW! was I ever pleased. Not only was the fishing great, but during the entire time we fished we didn't see a single fisherman - unlike the provo (combat fishing at it's best, but not quite like the Beaverhead opener in Montana). Well this all being said, I am heading to the Weber again tomorrow and I can hardly wait!